Crossroads Hosts it's Young Carers Festival

Last week Crossroads Care hosted a Young Carers Festival for our current young carers and those on our referral list.

The festival was held over two days on 23rd and 24th July and our young carers enjoyed crafts, games, sports, face painting, ice cream and entertainment. Our older young carers were also able to camp overnight. The weather was lovely so we had lots of fun playing outside and enjoying the sun.

The festival was a great opportunity for our young carers to come together to have a break from their caring responsibilities but most importantly to have fun surrounded by people who understand them the best. The children were able to make new friends and take part in activities they might not otherwise be able to do, and it was great to see everyone having so much fun!

We have so many people we would like to thank for helping to make the festival such a success! 

Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to Jess Bryan from Jessie's Yoga, Dave Cowley from Represent Dance Company Isle of Man, Vera, The Hedgehog Lady of Peel, Ian from Davison's Ice Cream, Tinesha Kinley, Matt Fletcher Entertainment and Events, Sam and Luke from 'MSR' Sports Development Unit, Candy from A3 Island Marquees, ELS, and Protec Security Services.

We would also like to thank Robinson's, Cycle 360, Riley's Garden Centre, Qualtrough's, and everyone who very generously donated items to the festival.

We would like to say a huge thanks to Crossroads Community Venture for making items including the brilliant photo frames which the children loved!

A huge thank you also to everyone at Union Mills Football Club for letting us use your grounds and facilities throughout the week.

The festival wouldn’t have been able to happen without the support and time of volunteers, so we would like to say a huge thank you to the volunteers from Old Mutual International and Barclays for giving up their time and helping us during the event and also with the setting up and clearing away. A special mention to the Barclays choir for coming along and performing for the children. They loved it!

The festival was part of our three year partnership with Old Mutual International so we would like to thank them and the Quilter Foundation for sponsoring and supporting the event.

We would also like to thank all of the Crossroads staff and volunteers who put so much time and effort in to making the festival a success.

Finally, we would like to thank all of the young carers who attended the festival. We hope you had as much fun as we did!

All the photos can be found on the our Facebook page


Photo of young carers enjoying an ice cream

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